Meditation Store
This meditation library will lead you through several different activations, meditations and opportunities for transformation. Please enjoy when you are able to be fully present to receive the transmission.
Please Do Not listen while driving, it is best if you can listen with a headset, each one is under 15 minutes. This is cellular activation. It is important to receive the transmissions fully and take the time needed for integration.
5D Creator Activation
Journey beyond the limits of your conscious thoughts and activate into the 5th Dimensional awareness so you may begin to create all that is possible for you.
Abundance Manifestation Activation Loop
Rewriting cellular imprints while reprogramming your brain brings you into alignment to receive your greatest prosperity and abundance. This is a coded clearing. It is best to listen as you are falling asleep with a headset.
Amulet of Love
Through elevating your love frequency, you shall become the divine deliverance of the greatest essence that exists on this planet. This is your greatest service. This is your purpose. Allow this transmission to expand your essence and heal your being, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Abundance- Awakening the Deep Well
Become Infinitely Connected
Take a journey of great remembrance to reinstate your birthright of abundant flow. Everything is alive within you as you crumble the matrix of old. You are the divine creator of abundance, rise in this remembrance.
Activate Your Intuition
Take a journey deep within your third eye to clear your pineal gland and activate a new light frequency. This meditation will enhance your awareness and increase your intuitive knowing over time.
Awaken to Remember: You Are An Infinite Being
Take a journey to summon the truth of who you are at a soul level. Simply remember what it is that you have forgotten: You are an extraordinary being and a divine creator!
Beautiful Sovereign You
Take this inspirational journey to become fully remembered for your truest essence. From this place, everything comes to light through holy and sacred union
Body Brilliant, Body Beautiful
Walk through the veils of time and space to heal each and every time when you have denied or shamed your physical body. Experience quantum healing and fall in love with the body temple that so graciously carries you.
Central Sun Activation
Allow the central sun to activate your feeling state and welcome you home to your higher 5D expression. This is best done sitting with your third eye to the sun. The mind thinks, the soul feels.
Crystalline Creator of Light
Journey to your souls crystal marker held within the womb of mother Gaia. Become purified, whole and remembered. You are the lock and the key. It is through you that the New Earth is being birthed.
Divine Creator
DNA #2 Chromosome Purification
Travel deeply into the master strand of DNA to purify and release the programs, imprints and ancestral limitations. Allow yourself to be initiated back to your original blueprint and find your truest power.
Becoming New- A Cellular Activation
Transmute by fire into the New Year with an activation of Becoming. Clear that which is complete and rise up new as you embark upon the truth of your power and your greatest light expression.
Birth of Golden Light
Heaven on Earth
Illuminate the light of remembrance. Bringing in the consciousness of finding peace.
Chakra Activation Across the Rainbow Bridge
Walk through a light frequency activation as each chakra is cleared, enhanced and expanded. This aligns your energy body for greater presence and profound abundance.
Crystalline Heart Amplification
DNA #1 Initiate Activation
Awaken and connect dormant DNA strands, called “junk” DNA to elevate your senses and expand your vibration to a quantum level. This is the initiation of the series and must be done first.
DNA #3 Connect to the 5D Grid
Initiating the connection of your expanded DNA to the higher dimensionality of the 5th Dimension. Align to higher frequency and elevate both your inner and outer life.
DNA #4 Diamond Activation Into 5D
The activation of your DNA allows for the journey of Awakening to occur with greater ease. This meditation connects you with the diamond grid and creates rapid transformation for you as the listener.
Elemental Connection
Welcome home to optimizing your frequency through this journey through the elements. This initiates greater harmony and balance within you. This is a full element activation bringing heaven to earth through you. Fire. Earth. Air. Water.
DNA #5 12th Strand Activation
Expanding your higher selfs awareness into quantum frequency. Activate your souls wisdom and bring yourself home to a higher state of consciousness.
Galactic Clearing - A Journey of Release
Allow this activation to clear away that which is complete, bring back all of your parts and align you to your highest vibrational frequency. This tool can be used anytime you are feeling out of sorts and it is encouraged to put this into practice on a daily bases.
Galactic Light Transmission
An activation to open your being to receive the next level of light codes coming through the planet at this time. You are the conduit of heaven to earth, as this light moves through your being it is offered over to the earth to raise the frequency of the entire planet.
Galactic Starseed Activation
Take a journey through to your chakras to the highest galactic frequencies that you are attuned to. Meet your star family and receive the star codes of ascension.
Golden Spirals of Light
Take a journey deep with in the Golden Spiral of Light Activation. Receive the full frequency to align with your greatest manifestation and most expanded vibration yet.
Golden Womb Activation
Purify and activate the womb of creation that is alive within you. Forgive that which has occurred and optimize the greatest expression of love within you.
Infinite Spiral of Sacred Light
Take a journey to the womb of Gaia. As the two become one you will clear and expand as if by magic. Connecting energy for the sacred spiral of all life to be created through you.
Journey to Your Womb Room
Take the journey beyond the Matrix of the Mind into the place of your souls’ wisdom. Use this tool to set yourself free as you move from 3D interference to 5D consciousness.
Light and Dark Emergence- The Journey to Alchemy
Meet Your Angels and Guides
Take a journey through your heart to welcome all the divinity that is with you at all times. These beings are to be felt by you and are here to love and support you. You are never alone!
3rd Eye Journey - A Journey of Deep Understanding
This journey is a process that can take some time to master. It is suggested to listen just before sleep and let it guide you to a new sight. This moves you into greater galactic sight in 5D consciousness.
Letting Go The Sweet Surrender
Magical Manifestation Mindset- Remembering The Truth
Move Beyond the Limits of Your Mind
Connect to your soul’s wisdom. Giving yourself the freedom to move beyond the programs and limitations of the mind and into your higherself’s truth.
Palace of Light
Take a journey home to your greatest remembrance. You are an infinite being living in an infinite universe and everything is alive within you.
Reclaiming Your Souls Essence
Take a journey of reclamation, welcoming all of your soul expressions home. This is the journey of personal unity that supports the collective consciousness to awaken to remember the truth of oneness.
Power & Protection Activation
Journey to infinite protection, power and grace through this transmission of golden spirals of light activation. You are eternally protected and never alone
Release Anxiety
Allow this tool to inspire your shift from the stress and pain of anxiety to the calm and presence of your truest frequency. You are not alone.
Releasing Vows
The vows that have been made over lifetimes hold frequency through your soul until they are denounced. This is your time to rise up unencumbered, mighty, powerful, and free. To create in a way that is new and a match for who you are becoming
Soul Journey to Salvation
Reconnect umbilically to mother earth to stabilize, neutralize and become one with source. This aligns you for the receiving of greater love and manifestation of your earthly desires.
Sourced In Infinite Possibility
Allow the central sun to activate your feeling state and welcome you home to your higher 5D expression. This is best done sitting with your third eye to the sun. The mind thinks, the soul feels.
Sourced Manifestation a 5D Activation
Take a journey to awakening the truth of you as the source creator of your most abundant and miraculous life. Listen as you awaken each morning and activate your manifestation codes.
Surrender to Source
The Golden Rose of Love
Union of Divine Feminine and Masculine
You are a very Special Soul! You have chosen to be here during the most magnificent time the earth has ever seen. You standing clearing in your worth allows for you to be in your greatest service.
Unlocking Your Purpose
You have a divine purpose. This journey will lead you clearly to your path and will walk you through the veils so that you may claim your truth and reveal your soul’s calling. The time for you is now!
Sourced to Gaia
Reconnect umbilically to mother earth to stabilize, neutralize and become one with source. This aligns you for the receiving of greater love and manifestation of your earthly desires.
Starseed Transmission of Light Activation
Allow the true essence of your Starseed light to emerge through the DNA of your being and align you for your greatest service as a projector of light upon this planet at this time.
Truth Spoken Activation
The Essence of True Decision Making
Take a journey into the inner working of your body temple, access your true essence far away from the mechanism of your mind, and begin to feel what is true for you. Allow this mediation to be a tool to support your daily life decsions.
You Are Special - A Truth Activation
You are a very Special Soul! You have chosen to be here during the most magnificent time the earth has ever seen. You standing clearing in your worth allows for you to be in your greatest service.
You Are Love- A Cellular Activation of Remembrance
As you journey through the flame of your sacred heart, Reclaim and rebirth the truth of your souls essence. You are the pure expression of universal love in human form. Reclaim this truth and be a beacon of love to the planet.
You Are Worthy ~ Because You Exist~
Awaken to the remembrance of the greatest truth. You are worthy because you exist. When this is fully remembered, nurtured and held as your truth, everything becomes possible for you.
These Messages Come From Acsended Beings who call themselves "The Light Council".
They are intended to inspire, guide, activate, and connect you to that which is greater, your higher self and the planet all at once.
Sign up for these weekly channeled messages in the box below.
"We have moved mountains for you, dear one, so that your ascension may be met with greater ease.
We will continue to move mountains, depart seas, and shine light where light has never before been shown.
We do this so that this journey to your enlightenment may be as fluid as is humanly or beyond humanly possible.
We have built bridges.
You have transcended.
We do this for you so that you might know freedom, joy, and love."
"There is but one light, but one frequency, but one vibration, but one ray, but one way.
It is the one of which you are currently riding upon, the one which is currently alive within you.
There is only one way of being, and it is alive within you in this very moment, as you are reading these words and feeling these sensations.
There is but one truth: all of the universe itself is working for you and creating on your behalf.
It is doing this so the light that is you may be fully experienced through every aspect of your being: physically, mentally, and emotionally.
In the all that is, there is but one.
There is only you.
You are the one.
You are the light.
You are the soul magnificent and unfolding, blossoming and blooming by your sheer existence. "