8:8 Lions Gate Portal

~Manifest Your Dreams~
Light Code Activation

Are You Ready To?

Bring your DREAMS into Reality

Elevate your ABUNDANCE

ACTIVATE your DNA Light Codes

BREAK FREE of Limitations

Claim your FREEDOM

Awaken to Your SOULS TRUTH
And So Much More…
You are one with source, you would not have a dream alive within you if you did not also have the capacity to create it.
You are awakening with incredible speed and soon your outside world will match your inner desires. This IS the awakening of you as a sourced infinite creator.
The Time IS Now!
The 8:8 Lions Gate Portal
A 75 min Live Channeled Light Activation
Sunday, August 8, 2021
12:00pm PT /3:00pm ET
“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”

What you will get:
A 75 Minute Live Zoom Activation
(Receive the recording if you are unable to attend live)
Optimize this Potent Portal to Manifest Effortlessly
Everything you desire is already alive within you.
LIVE Channel from The Light Council
Receive their love and clear guidance.
LIVE Cellular Light Code Activation
Awaken and Elevate your cellular frequency
Connection with Community
Know that You are not alone!

Creator of Inner Wisdom Awakening, Lisa McCardle is an award-winning speaker, life mentor and soul guide. For more than 25 years, Lisa has guided heart centered servant leaders, high powered executives, celebrities, and everyday women through the process of clearing for expansion to reclaim their power and their purpose.
Her Mission is to support the awakening of humanity and to walk with you through the portal of awakening so that you may release limitations and the illusions of separation and walk boldly through the doorway of your own sovereignty, activating your most EXTRAordinary life.

“I experience a financial miracle. Literally, after a group webinar on financial prosperity,. I believe it had so much to do with how Lisa helps us to choose a mindset that supports our highest good. If you believe in the magic of allowing, Lisa is your guide to divine wisdom.”
Holly P.
“Lisa is truly a gift and a beautiful expression of love itself. Working with her has reminded me of who I am at soul level.”
Krystal R.
” Lisa sees my true essence and helps me appreciate my own power and uniqueness. Her ability to clearly channel the messages from The Council of Light is quite phenomenal. The council offered me a technique for moving a frequency though my body and to purge some old energies that I was ready to release.”
Ginny M.
“Lisa is an alchemist who has opened up a new level of potential in my life. She helps me see things clearly; to break old stories and create a life that I didn’t imagine possible before working with her.”
Sarah K.
“Lisa transmits both information and energy. She blends different light systems and creates the energetic charge that makes things change within days and even hours. Lisa puts one in charge of the process by inviting you to participate in the co-creation of something amazing.”
Elda P.