Turn the Shadows into LIGHT and Rise UP NEW!
Release Trauma and Grief &
Resurrect Your Light
TURN ON Crystalline Light Codes
IGNITE Organic Manifestation Magnification Codes for Receiving
RELEASE Lower World Density Trauma/Grief and Programming
COLLAPSE Polarity, Duality, and Separation
CEREMONY to setup a light GRID
EMBODY Unity consciousness
CREATE Harmony and BALANCE the Masculine and the Feminine POWER within you
The 222 Activation is an Event Like NO Other ~
It’s Your Time to RELEASE to RISE UP New
You are The ONE!
We are wanting you this day to be in the remembrance that you are separate from nothing. Everything that is being experienced in, of, and around you is an expression that is curated through you.
The quickest way home, dear ones, to your salvation, to your sovereignty, to your utopic Gaia world experience, is to remember that you are the infinite point of all creation and that the moment your breath matches the frequency of your homescape, the entirety of planet earth shall be delivered home through you.
~ The Light Council Channelled by Lisa ~
The 222 Crystalline Light Body Ignition
A 75 min Live Channelled Activation
“Allow LOVE to Be Your Sword and LIGHT Your Shield”
~ Lisa McCardle~
What You Will get:
A 75 Minute Activation
Guided Journey to Release Trauma and Receive the next ASCENSION LIGHT CODES!
Turning point of the ages, aligning you to your souls remembrance
LIVE Channel Ignition with The Light Council
Receive their love, support and clear guidance.
BONUS: Receive Ceremony Instructions for Opening a Galactic Light PORTAL
We Rise Together as ONE!
![lisa photo for website](https://lisamccardle.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/lisa-photo-for-website-1.png)
Creator of Inner Wisdom Awakening, Lisa McCardle is an award-winning speaker, life mentor and soul guide.
For more than 25 years, Lisa has guided heart centered servant leaders, high powered executives, celebrities, and everyday women through the process of clearing for expansion to reclaim their power and their purpose.
Her Mission is to support the awakening of humanity and to walk with you through the portal of awakening so that you may release limitations and the illusions of separation and walk boldly through the doorway of your own sovereignty, activating your most EXTRAordinary life.
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