Welcome to the

The Quantum Leap Activation

Winter Solstice 12/21/21

   Return to the Light and Welcome in

The NEW Earth

Hello Golden Light Beam, 

I am honored to welcome you, as we join together and walk through the portal that brings the Golden Age of Aquarius Alive with in us and together we usher in The New Earth. This is one of the most potent days of the century and I am honored to walk through the doorway to the other side with you!

If you missed the live on Tuesday, December 21, 2021

12pm PT/ 3:00 pm ET

The only thing you’re needing to do right now is:

  • Click on the video below to access the Quantum Leap Activation Call
  • Get yourself and your space prepared to become inspired, aligned, and fully activated with new light codes to activate your divine manifestation.

This transmission is the culmination of each gateway that has opened through you this year, to bring you home to your greatest light frequency and align you to create Heaven on Earth..

Love to Your Light, Lisa  



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